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자주 묻는 질문 TOP5

  • [Member Information] Is there any membership grade?

    번호: 4

    About membership:There is membership grade from Basic to VIP, as well as point rewards system.
  • [Requesting Refund] How can I request a return/refund?

    번호: 3

    Return/refund:You can request return/refund within 2 weeks of the order delivery date.
  • [Cancelling Order] How can I cancel an order?

    번호: 2

    Order Cancellation:You can request cancellation of an order, which is in the statuses before "Preparing for Shipment".
  • [Points and Events] How much points can I get?

    번호: 1

    Points system:You can get 1% from every purchase that you make (excluding shipping fee). It is being rewarded automatically after the order is delivered, and there is no return/refund request.
  • [Shipping Information] What are the delivery option?

    번호: 0

    Delivery methods:1. FedEx International Priority (from 3 to 10 business days).2. EMS (2-4 weeks)3. K-Packet (4 weeks)

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